Our Vision is of a special place for children of all ages. The total Children’s PEACE Center will be a place for kids of all ages to learn Character Education, violence prevention, and practice peacemaking skills. It will include a Children’s Peace Museum with exhibits that are fun, interactive and hands-on. Puppets, computers, puzzles, games, crafts, and lots of role play and activities bring the learning experience to life. Children will visit with school groups, clubs, and other organizations or with their families and friends. There will be a Resource Center that will provide the opportunity to utilize recycled materials to create various expressions of peace through imagination, the arts, and guided activities, as well as provide information for Teachers, parents and caregivers in dealing with life situations. Through collaboration with community and service organizations it will provide dramas, workshops, classes, storytelling, seminars and discovery times for adults and children alike with all themes focused on encouraging and equipping individuals to develop peacemaking skills that enrich their lives and those around them. This is our Vision and our Dream. As we grow towards this vision, we have many programs that are currently available for your school, church or youth organization.
Our current programs are designed for Kindergarten through Fifth grade. We want to reach as many children as possible to help them build and improve character traits, morals, values and peacemaking skills. Our exhibits (learning centers) are aligned with the mandated Georgia Performance Standards by the Board of Education especially centered around Character Education. Activities focus on violence prevention and deal with emotion and anger management, self esteem, cooperation, teamwork, conflict resolution, responsibility, community enrichment, understanding cultural diversity, and the stewardship of ecology. We have several traveling programs that can come to your site. We offer programs for Public and Private Schools, Homeschool classes, Day Camps, Puppet Shows, and Field Trips. (See more details)
Our goal is to create a safe, friendly atmosphere to allow experiential learning opportunities, interactive experimentation in improving character, building self-esteem, and developing peacemaking and life skills in each visitor while having fun and building better relationships. Each one will learn they do have alternatives to violence and can indeed build a peaceful community in which to live.